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thewheeloffortune| OceanBase 4.3 was unveiled, using a column-based storage engine to help petabyte data analysis in seconds, leading the new trend of TP/AP integration


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[ant Group OceanBase 4Thewheeloffortune.3 new version unveiledThewheeloffortuneUse column storage engine to build PB-level real-time analysis database, realize real-time analysis in seconds, and promote the process of TP/AP integration.]

On April 20th, in the limelightThewheeloffortuneAnt Group officially launched its native distributed database OceanBase 4 at the second OceanBase developer Conference.Thewheeloffortune.3 version. The highlight of this version is its innovative column storage engine, which provides a strong support for building a PB-level real-time analysis database, and further improves the speed and efficiency of data processing, thus ensuring the realization of second-level real-time analysis.

thewheeloffortune| OceanBase 4.3 was unveiled, using a column-based storage engine to help petabyte data analysis in seconds, leading the new trend of TP/AP integration

With the increasing amount of data, traditional databases are faced with many challenges when dealing with massive data. The release of OceanBase version 4.3 undoubtedly provides strong technical support for solving these problems. The design of its row storage engine is especially suitable for the real-time analysis of large-scale data, and can greatly improve the efficiency of data retrieval and analysis.

In addition, OceanBase 4.3 also performs well in strengthening the integration of TP/AP, realizing the organic unity of relational database processing transactional load (TP) and analytical load (AP), and improving the flexibility and efficiency of enterprise data management.

The release of OceanBase version 4.3 is not only an important innovation of Ant Group in the database field, but also injects new vitality into the development of the whole database industry. In the future, the wide application of OceanBase 4.3 is expected to further promote technological progress in related fields and help enterprises to take a solid step on the road of digital transformation.

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