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rainbowrichespicknmixfreeplay| Watson Biotech's sales rate is flat, industry expands market, increases resource investment


Newsletter summary

Watson Biology has recently responded to the question of the proportion of sales expenses.Rainbowrichespicknmixfreeplay, indicating that the rate of expenditure is the same as that of the same industry, and will strengthen the increase of revenue, expenditure, quality and efficiency. The company believes that there is great potential for the development of China's vaccine industry and overseas markets, which is in a critical period and needs to appropriately increase investment to ensure long-term development.

Text of news flash

Watson's biological sales expense rate is the same as that of the same industry.

rainbowrichespicknmixfreeplay| Watson Biotech's sales rate is flat, industry expands market, increases resource investment

Watson Biology recently responded to investors' questions about the proportion of sales expenses on an interactive platform. The company said that its sales expense rate is in line with comparable companies in the same industry. Considering the enterprise development stage, strategic layout, market competition and other factors, Watson Biology will continue to strengthen the related work of increasing revenue and reducing expenditure and improving quality and efficiency.

Watson Biology also stressed that China's vaccine industry still has a lot of room for development, and overseas markets are also full of potential. The company is in a critical period of market expansion at home and abroad, and we need to appropriately increase the investment of resources to ensure the long-term development in the future.

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